We came to Bethesda 2 years ago and it was one of the best decisions we’ve made! I remember when we were asking our oldest, Chase, how he felt about switching schools he said “I get to learn about God, read the Bible everyday and be a Patriot, of course I want to go!” We have seen amazing growth in our children, especially in their walk with God. We have also had amazing teachers who truly care about them, who are firm but give grace and are always willing to pray for them and their families.
Hear what our community of parents, students, and staff has to say about BCS.
Becky S.
- Parent
We are so grateful to be a part of Bethesda and like I tell the kids I coach on the various teams when they get frustrated with anything school-wise, they don’t know how lucky they are to be here. I have lived on the other side of walking into a school without good, godly leadership, school leadership that treats families as adversaries, and our family is so blessed to be here and not in that anymore. All of us in our family are deeply thankful for the Christ-centered atmosphere that is lived out every day in these halls.
Bart D.
- Parent
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for everything the school has done for my son…. The unwavering support and guidance have been invaluable to us…. Your dedication to his well-being has given us hope for a brighter future. Thank you for your tireless efforts and compassionate care.
Alba M.
- Parent
In my Bible classes, we have been talking about the overarching story of Scripture/Redemption, and how our individual stories fit into it. I shared my story with the class, and I invited any student who wanted to share his or her testimony with the class to do so as well. After hearing dozens of their testimonies, I was so touched by how many lives have been changed through this school. BCS has played an enormous role in drawing students to Jesus. Most students who shared said that before coming to Bethesda, they struggled in their faith or with temptations/doubts, etc. It wasn’t until they came to this school that they met Jesus and began a true relationship with Him. I have been so encouraged in hearing these stories. I feel humbled and blessed to be a part of this school.
Sara N.
- Teacher
We absolutely love having our kids here at Bethesda and it’s obvious to us that teaching a biblical worldview is a high priority here. They are definitely thriving here.
Jackie C.
- Parent
Our only regret is that we didn’t send our daughter sooner!
Susan S.
- Parent
As a parent whose son entered Bethesda as a Junior, I want to celebrate first and foremost the gift of giving him an opportunity to dive into his faith and then show up as a godly man in the classroom and on the basketball court or soccer field. I appreciate ALL parents, coaches, staff, and friends! Such a blessing that we got to experience this and more!
Paige S.
- Parent
‘We are Bethesda!’ is more than a cheer; it’s a family we’re thankful to be a part of!
Rob D.
- Parent